Saturday, February 13, 2016

myQuture "Smart Health Record"

Wellness-Driven Precision Health

The myQuture “Smart Health Record”

Quture Health is founded on three (3) fundamental novel innovations at the convergence of science and technology.  The first and essential innovation is the myQuture individual-controlled health and health care record.  The push for personalized medical records (PMR’s) began years ago.  But these converging forces of science and technology, along with

  • federal requirements of electronic medical record (EMR) vendors,
  • remote monitoring devices, sensors & wearables,
  • changing medical care practices toward telemedicine and physician demands for accurate, complete summarized patient information,
  • shifting personal perspectives to optimal wellness rather than episodic medical treatment of illness, and
  • medical advances in the fields of “omics,” such as advanced genomic testing

  • have exponentially changed what is possible as PMR's.  This discussion is intended to consider how and why the myQuture Informatics Platform, with its innovative personalized health and medical record (PHR/PMR), will rapidly become the next advancement in health and health care.

If you think about what you are seeing in this picture, you would say it’s a “smartphone.”  But the reality is that it’s not a “phone” at all.  Sure, it can make a call, but with all the apps and connectivity, just think about how incredibly “smart” this technology has become so rapidly and how they have changed our lives.
The myQuture PHR/PMR is so much more than a medical “record;” it will become just as “smart” and change our lives in ways we are only beginning to understand.  As we start to explore the myQuture "smartrecord" PHR/PMR on the myQuture Informatics Platform, I want to first explain why it is not just a medical record - it's a health record.
We live in the time of seismic shifts in seven (7) essential forces that will shape the present and future of health and health care.  While each and all of these forces are relevant to this discussion, one fundamental shift in our thinking and behaviors as a society will have unique impact.  How we see ourselves, each person as an individual from the perspective of our own health, is critical to how we engage in our health care by clinical professionals and hospitals.  For those who see themselves as more than patients, as individuals who seek optimal wellness, this moment in time is transformational.

Americans have a tendency, a traditional orientation, to looking to medicine for their health.  In reality, health is determined from five (5) major factors: genetics, social circumstances, environmental factors, lifestyle behavior and health care.  Of these lifestyle behavior, such as physical activity or inactivity, obesity, smoking and alcohol consumption, is the strongest determinant of health responsible for approximately 40% of deaths, followed by genetics (30%) with health care (10%) playing a minor role in reducing premature deaths. McGinnis JM, “Health in America – The Sum of Its Parts,” Journal of the American Medical Association 287(20): 2711-12 (May 2002).
The myQuture “smartrecord” PHR/PMR collects all health related data, not just health care data.  People as private individuals will have the ability to collect and aggregate all their health data into a single database.  They will not only own but control their health data. Their smart health record will then be capable of massive “smart” applications using science and technology.  This is sounding more and more like a smartphone!  Will it become the next shiny thing?!
What looked like a medical chart, a patient’s medical record, will evolve just as phones have evolved from antiques to smartphones.  Just looking at this picture reminds me of how when we were reviewing medical records it made me feel like no one knew much about me.  I felt like a number. . . .

The first point of this discussion is that people want all their health data, not just their health care data.  What used to be your health record will be entirely different and capable of helping people as individuals navigate their lives – for wellness not just for illness.  And help their clinical healthcare professionals to take better care of them when they need care
What does health data look like in the myQuture smart health record?  In addition to the traditional health care data from medical records, it collects and integrates data from two (2) other extraordinarily personal information sources: an individual’s “risk factors,” and data they generate from yes, their smartphone applications transferred from monitoring devices, sensors and wearables.  There are other novel sources of personalized data from the internet, such as technology the CDC analyzes to predict epidemics worldwide.  But let’s stick with these two (2) other simpler sources for now.
The myQuture “Smart Health Record” runs on the myQuture Informatics Platform.  This is a software platform unifying multiple software programs combined with sophisticated advanced technologies and analytics.  Quture Health is exclusively licensing the QualOptima Connectivity & Analytics Platform from Quture International, Inc. (QUTR) for personalized, individualized, precision health.  The novel and innovative intellectual capital embedded in QualOptima is protected by a provisional patent application, now in the process of filing with new supplements for an interlocking patent application for Quture Health.  One of the fundamental and essential elements of that technology is the evidence-based science of calibrating clinical performance and outcomes measures with personalized risk factors.

Quture Health is developing these evidence-based risk factors in collaboration with Quture International.  The science of risk factors for Quture, which we call meFactors©, expands on traditional medical risk factors to include wellness, fitness and omics factors.  Quture’s meFactors© include not only predisposing negative risks but factors measuring wellness and fitness.  On the positive side of the illness or health equation, these factors are proven to significantly improve a person’s chances of survival of conditions such as cancer.  They definitely improve the quality of life for chronic and acute conditions.  Quture Health introduces a scientific approach to wellness and true fitness which we anticipate will rapidly propel us to prominence.  Anticipating the immediate and future advances in medicine in the field of “omics,” meFactors© also include genome, epigenome, transcriptome, proteome, metabolome, microbiome and exposome.

For example, Quture Health is developing a personalized application to measure oxygen consumption and aerobic capacity, which is the standard diagnostic and prognostic testing used in cancer survivor programs.  The predictive value of peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak) to objectively measure cardiorespiratory fitness will scientifically provide individuals and their clinical advisors to quantify wellness and fitness.  The capability to survive cancer and other chronic and acute conditions is now becoming an individual’s “understood self” lifestyle motivator.

The third data source populating the myQuture complete PHR “Smart Health Record” is possible because of another emerging science and technology development – monitoring devices, biosensors and wearables.  One of the basic business opportunities for Quture Health comes from individuals increasingly engaged in their health (e.g. smartphone and smartwatch applications for movement and exercise) and in their health care (e.g. remote glucometer monitoring devices for diabetes).  Through a strategic partnership, myQuture has the existing capability to use Bluetooth technology from remote monitoring devices, sensors and wearables to capture patient-generated data and transmit it though their smartphone to the myQuture Informatics Platform.

The myQuture PHR/PMR uniquely integrates data fundamental to care by physicians and clinicians with their own data, also used personally as an individual for optimal health and wellness.  Now that the three (3) sources of data have been explained, the next focus of this discussion is on how healthcare data will be transmitted, collected from all the different and disparate data sources of health care.  Without going into the complexities of technology “interoperability,” it’s because of the fascinating federal expenditure as of 2014 totaling about $24 billion spent to drive adoption of electronic health records in the United States.
The “Blue Button” federal requirement provides that every patient can electronically transfer their own medical data from any EMR to a database specified by the individual.  This is required of every certified electronic medical record (EMR) vendor by standards based on regulations of Meaningful Use (MU) Stage III (beginning in 2015).  For the first time, individuals can collect all of their health care information from doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, test facilities and other sources into a single aggregated database which the patient controls. 
The second point of this discussion is the remarkable, novel and innovative data sources collected into the myQuture “Smart Health Record.”  The third point was actually made earlier in this discussion; people will want to not only own but control their health data!
The timing for Quture Health is so compelling that it coincides with a “Perspective” article just published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine by prominent Harvard physicians/professors/IT leaders, Drs. Kenneth Mandl and Isaac Kohane.  (“Time for a Patient-Driven Health Information Economy?” NEJM 374(3): 205-08 (January 21, 2016).
These physicians persuasively point out:  “A patient-controlled health record infrastructure can support the development of highly desirable health system qualities. First, it allows a patient to effectively become a health information exchange of one: as data accumulate in a patient-controlled repository, a complete picture of the patient emerges. If patients can obtain their data wherever they go, they can share them with physicians as needed — rather than vice versa.”

Selected Reasons for Pursuing
Patient-Controlled Data.
Need or Purpose
Complete data
A patient-controlled health record, updated after each health encounter, would provide a complete view of the patient (in contrast to that available in institution-specific electronic health records).
Data sharing for coordinated care
In the absence of other effective mechanisms, patients may be the best vehicle for making data available to their clinicians and family.
Use of data by intelligent software or apps
Patient-controlled data repositories, properly configured, could be the nexus of patient-facing apps for care management, participation in research, and data sharing.
Support of diagnostic journeys
Patients and families with undiagnosed or difficult-to-treat conditions are now manually assembling complex data sets, including genomic data, to present to researchers and clinicians.
Data donation
Under myriad consent and authorization models, patients are increasingly figuring out how to contribute data to research.
Patients as reporters
The patient is a source of data that are complementary to the information found in institutional records; bidirectional data exchange with patients could become a cornerstone of the medical record.
Additional pairs of eyes
Patients can identify and correct errors in the medical record.
Social networking
Health data are a basis for finding other patients with similar conditions or genomic variants.
The myQuture PHR/PMR coincides with the remarkable recognition by prominent physicians that patient controlled medical records are the future of medical care.  Drs. Mandl and Kohane refer to “Patient-Controlled Data Repositories.”  The myQuture Informatics Platform anticipates the needs and advantages of such aggregated, complete patient-controlled medical records as summarized in the chart above from that very recent and compelling article.
Quture Health sees people as so much more than “patients.”  Our technology platform is not simply “Patient-Controlled,” but is an Individual-Controlled Data Repository.  With myQuture, remote monitoring devices, wearables and sensors will empower those who want to enjoy optimal health and longevity to generate their own unique data – “individual-generated data.” 
The first and fundamental value proposition of Quture Health is the personalized health and medical record (PHR/PMR) – the “Smart Health Record” of its myQuture Informatics Platform.  The myQuture PHR/PMR collects all health information of an individual in a single, central database which is owned and controlled by the individual.  While ownership is conferred on the individual by HIPPA legislation, patient health data is controlled on the electronic medical records (EMR’s) of various vendors with contracts with physicians, hospitals, pharmacies, testing facilities and laboratories, and health insurance companies.
Quture Health is committed to those people as individuals who want to achieve optimal health and wellness, to those individuals who want to control their own health and medical information.  Just as Quture International (QUTR) is committed to those who provide medical care to achieve optimal clinical, financial and operational outcomes, Quture Health is committed to people who want to achieve and maintain optimal health and health care outcomes for themselves.  We believe that health insurers and employers will want to engage powerfully with these individuals, with financial incentives and opportunities.
The myQuture “Smart Health Record” for Quture Health’s Wellness-Driven Precision Health is the beginning of what we hope you will agree is the next frontier in American (and ultimately global) individualized health and health care.  My next post will explore how an informatics platform works – on an intelligent or “smart” database with embedded technologies and analytics.  This is Quture Health’s Individual-Controlled Data Repository. Then the following discussion will explore how it will be “smart” from other advances in science and technology once a person controls their health and healthcare data on that database,.  Those posts will explain the myQuture “HealthScape Information System©” for their own health, wellness and fitness goals, as well as working with their health care professionals and hospitals on the “care plans.”  People will want to control their data and their care plans, not entrust their personal information, “records” and “care plans” to electronic medical record vendors of doctors and hospitals in the age of “Smart Health Records.”
© G. Landon Feazell
February 12, 2016